Dear valued Exhibitors, Visitors and Partners,
Due to the current COVID-19 situation in China, we have taken the decision to postpone the
CPHI & PMEC China event, which was originally scheduled to take place on 20-22 December 2022 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC). The new dates will
be 19-21 June 2023 with the venue staying the same at SNIEC in Shanghai, China.
CPHI & PMEC China will continue with its online event “Virtual Expo Connect”, which
launched on 21 November 2022 and will run until 13 January 2023. Join us online to boost
your business with infinite opportunities to connect, learn, trade and grow.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the postponement of the inperson event and are grateful for your understanding and continued support!
We look forward to seeing you in June 2023!
Yours faithfully,
CPHI & PMEC China Team