Onsite Conferences

Thanks for your interest in the onsite conferences and activities of CPHI & PMEC China.
Please review specific agenda, latest meeting and activities .

A9Application of biocatalysis in the manufacture of chiral chemicals Hall E1 Meeting Room M11Chinese-English

S/N2024 Onsite Conference & Activity ListJuneLocationLanguageNotes
 A. General1718192021
A2China-World Innovation and Development Forum 2024   Hall E1 Meeting Room M16Chinese 
A8Plant Visit    Chinese-English 
A10U.S. Health Industry, Products & Services Introduction    Hall E1 Meeting Room M12Chinese-English 
B12024 CPHI-IPEC China Sharing Session for Excipient Regulation and Technical Application    Hall E3 Meeting Room M24Chinese 
B4Pharma Excipients Awards 2024    Kerry Hotel Pudong ShanghaiChinese 
C12024 CPHI International Regulatory Agencies Updates and Q&A Session    Hall E2 Meeting Room M19Chinese 
D2The 9th China Biopharmaceuticals Outlook Summit   Hall W4 Meeting Room M6Chinese 
D3Innovative Drugs Out-licensing Forum    Hall W3 Meeting Room M10Chinese 
D4China Out-licensing and BD in Emerging Markets    Hall W4 Meeting Room M7Chinese 
 F.Natural Extracts 
F4Natural Ingredients Awards 2024    Kerry Hotel Pudong ShanghaiChinese 
 G.Pharmaceutical Machinery 
G1The 11th PMEC China Pharmaceutical Engineering Summit
Main Forum: Global Regulatory Update
    Hall N1 Meeting Room M40Chinese 
G9Biomolecules Commercialisation and Production Conference
Sub-forum 1: Regulatory and Intellegent Commercial Production of Biomolecules Manufacturing
    Hall N3 Meeting Room M43Chinese 
G10Biomolecules Commercialisation and Production Conference
Sub-forum 2: Production Capacity and Commercialisation of ADC Drugs
    Hall N3 Meeting Room M43Chinese 
 H.Packaging Materical&Drug Delivery Systerm 
H1The 10th International Summit for Pharmaceutical Packaging & Drug Delivery System
Main Forum: Global Packaging Legislation Updates
    Hall N5 Meeting Room M48Chinese 
H4The 10th International Summit for Pharmaceutical Packaging & Drug Delivery System
Sub-forum 3: New Packaging Technology and Future Development of Biologics
    Hall N5 Meeting Room M48Chinese 
H5InnoPack Awards China 2024    Kerry Hotel Pudong ShanghaiChinese 
 I.Laboratory Equipment 
 J.Cleanroom Technology & Engineering 
 K.Environmental Protection 
 L.Pharma Logistics 